Tributyltin compounds |
Recommended to the COP for inclusion in Annex III: |
CRC 10 (October 2014) |
Rationale for the recommendation for inclusion in Annex III: |
Approved by CRC 10 (October 2014) |
Draft Decision Guidance Document: |
Finalized by CRC 11 (September 2015) |
The Chemical Review Committee recommended to the Conference of the Parties that tributyltin compounds should be listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention as industrial chemicals (Decision CRC-10/5, document UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.10/10).
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Report of the Chemical Review Committee on the work of its tenth meeting |
The tenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee agreed to establish a drafting group to prepare a draft decision guidance document. The draft decision guidance document was finalized by CRC 11 in October 2015.
Draft DGD approved by CRC11
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UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.11/3/Rev.1 |
Draft decision guidance document for tributyltin compounds |

Rationale for the recommendation that tributyltin compounds as industrial chemicals should become subject to the PIC procedure
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Excerpt of the report of CRC 11 |
Rationale for the conclusion that the notification of final regulatory action submitted by Canada in respect of tributyltin compounds under the industrial category meets the criteria of Annex II to the Rotterdam Convention
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Excerpt of the report of CRC 11 |
Workplan for the inter-sessional drafting group on tributyltin compounds
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Excerpt of the report of CRC 11 |
Notifications and supporting documentation on carbosulfan reviewed by the CRC
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Tributyltin compounds: notifications of final regulatory action |
Tributyltin compounds: supporting documentation provided by the Canada |