UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/1/Rev.1 | Provisional agenda | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/1/Rev.1/Add.1 | Annotations to the provisional agenda | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/1/Rev.1/Add.2 | Annotations to the provisional agenda: Resumed online session (30 September 2024) | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/3 | Template for specific submissions by Parties | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/4 | Laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures to implement the Rotterdam Convention | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/4/Rev.1 | Laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures to implement the Rotterdam Convention | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/5 | Notifications of final regulatory actions | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/5/Rev.1 | Notifications of final regulatory actions | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/6 | Exports and imports of chemicals listed in Annex III | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/6/Rev.1 | Exports and imports of chemicals listed in Annex III | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/7 | Export notifications | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/7/Rev.1 | Export notifications | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/8 | Further work to identify options to improve information sharing with Parties | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/9 | Information submission: Improve timely and complete submission of information pursuant to the provisions of the Convention | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/9/Rev.1 | Information submission: Improve timely and complete submission of information pursuant to the provisions of the Convention | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/10 | Enhanced cooperation with the Committee Administering the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance of the Basel Convention | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/11 | Work programme for the biennium 2026–2027 | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/11/Rev.1 | Work programme for the biennium 2026–2027 | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/12 | Report of the Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee on the work of its second meeting | |
UNEP/FAO/RC/CC.2/12/Add.1 | Report of the Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee on the work of its second meeting (online, 30 September 2024) | |