Herramienta para la Evaluación de la Información sobre los Productos Químicos (Herramienta EIPQ)

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Step 1: Chemical identification

Search for an existing chemical

If you know the chemical identity, either CAS number, name or formula, please use the search below.

No information available

If there is no information on the chemcial name for the substance then it is necessary for the industry/entity responsible for the chemical to provide the chemical name(s), the common name and the CAS number, if available. If there is no industry or entity responsible within the country, then the DNA should consider taking regulatory action on the chemical.
Step 2: Physico-chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological information

Please fill the form below to gather information on physico-chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological properties.

If such information has been prepared in your country, we encourage you to copy paste it in the form below.

You can also look for other sources of information in the right-end side and re-use it to complete this step. You can browse FRAs submitted by other Parties and insert information from those as you see fit by clicking on the small folder icon next to the subtitle. You can also manually enter information from other external sources in respective fields below, some of which are listed below in the right-end side column. Kindly ensure that the source of information is always mentioned in the appropriate field.

Would you wish to combine information from multiple FRAs for a specific property, please copy and paste the information in the right column into a text editor like MS Word before inserting in the boxes in the right column.

Step 3: Classification of hazards
Based on the information gathered in the previous screen (and displayed on the right end side for ease of reference), please specify the following hazard properties for classification. The criteria used for classification are based on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).
Step 4: Use or uses of the chemical
Please describe all use or uses of the selected chemical in your country
Step 5: Summary of the hazards and risks presented by the chemical
Summary of the hazards and risks presented by the chemical to human health, including the health of consumers and workers, or the environment
Step 6: Local incident(s) information
Please provide information on reported local incident(s).
Step 7: Recommendation and follow-up actions