Calls for information in follow-up to eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention


At its 11th meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention adopted the decisions contained in annex I to the report of the meeting, document UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.11/25. Several of those decisions included invitations to Parties and others to provide information.

The following letter was sent to Parties and observers with a summary of the individual decisions that contain invitations for information and comments. The individual invitations to submit information are organized by relevant COP agenda items. Information sought in each item can be transmitted separately, since the deadlines for submission vary.

Similar letters have also been prepared to solicit information sought in follow-up to 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention and 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention and are available on the Basel and Stockholm Convention’s websites.

Following decisions RC-11/3 on the listing of terbufos in Annex III to the Convention, the Secretariat sent a letter to Parties circulating the related Decision Guidance Document and inviting Parties to submit import responses.

Letters related to calls for information

Title  English French  Spanish 
Letter related to calls for information in follow-up to 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention (1-12 May 2023) pdf logo pdf logo pdf logo
Letter dispatching the Decision Guidance Document and request for submission of import responses on terbufos pdf logo pdf logo pdf logo


Specific calls for information

Call for information

Deadlines Additional information Contact point
1. Status of implementation
a. Parties are encouraged to communicate national definitions for the term “pesticide” to the Secretariat.
No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible.
Information submitted so far by Parties on definitions for the term “pesticide”
b. Parties are encouraged to provide the Secretariat with information that might assist other Parties to prepare and notify final regulatory actions, including scientific and technical information relevant to risk evaluation and decision-making on hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible.
Chemical Information Assessment Tool


c. Parties are encouraged to provide information on their implementation of Articles 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the Convention by submitting responses to the periodic questionnaire on the implementation of those articles.
Deadline to be indicated in the questionnaires to be sent out on this topic.
Year 2023 - Questionnaire to be made available
d. Parties, non-Parties, industry, civil society and other stakeholders are invited to provide to the Secretariat data on the international trade in chemicals listed or recommended for listing in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention.
 No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible. Available information on international trade in chemicals listed or recommended for listing and on the measurable impact of listing chemicals in Annex III
2. Enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention by addressing impacts regarding the listing of chemicals in Annex III and its implementation
a. Parties and observers are urged to provide information to the Secretariat on the potential direct and indirect trade and socio-economic impacts, as well as the financial implications, caused or anticipated by the listing of chemicals in Annex III, including the costs of inaction.
30 June 2024
b. Parties and observers are urged to provide information to the Secretariat on the benefits and challenges in introducing alternatives to chemicals recommended for listing in Annex III, and on actions to address such challenges.
30 June 2024
c. Parties and observers are urged to provide information to the Secretariat on challenges in implementing legislative or administrative measures for the sound management of chemicals recommended for listing in Annex III and their alternatives, including challenges relating to technological and scientific capability.
30 June 2024 -
3. Compliance Committee

I: Specific submissions

a. Parties that believe that, despite their best efforts, they are, or will be, unable to comply with certain obligations under the Rotterdam Convention are invited to consider making submissions to the Compliance Committee pursuant to paragraph 12 of Annex VII to the Convention.
No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible.
Submission to be made through the Official Contact Point to the Convention
II: Laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures to implement the Rotterdam Convention
b. Parties are requested to provide the Secretariat with the texts of national legislation or other measures that they have adopted to implement and enforce the Convention, specifically those texts related to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 5 and Article 10 of the Convention.
No deadline specified; information to be submitted as soon as possible.
III: Notifications of final regulatory action

c. Parties are encouraged to submit responses to the questionnaire for the identification of issues faced by Parties in relation to notifications of final regulatory action, so as to inform the work of the Compliance Committee.
30 June 2023  Online questionnaire
4. Technical assistance

a. Developing-country Parties and Parties with economies in transition are invited to submit to the Secretariat information on their needs for technical assistance and technology transfer, in accordance with the provisions of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.
31 May 2024
(updated deadline)
Online questionnaire
b. Developed-country Parties and others with the capacity to do so are invited to submit to the Secretariat information on the technical assistance and technology that they have available to be transferred, in accordance with the provisions of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, to developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition.
31 May 2024
(updated deadline)
Online questionnaire
5. Synergies in preventing and combating illegal traffic and trade in hazardous chemicals and wastes*
a. Parties to the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions are encouraged to voluntarily provide information about cases of international trade in hazardous chemicals occurring in contravention of the conventions
As appropriate
Form for submission
b. Parties to the Basel Convention are reminded to report cases of illegal traffic
As appropriate  Prescribed form  or table 9 of the format for national reporting
c. Parties are invited to provide best practices for preventing and combating illegal traffic and trade in hazardous chemicals and wastes covered by the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions and to voluntarily share information through the Secretariat on action taken to implement and enforce the trade control measures, as well as on challenges Parties may be facing
As appropriate
6. Venue and dates of the next meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions*
a. Parties are invited to submit offers to host the 2027 meetings of the conferences of the Parties for consideration during the meetings of the conferences of the Parties in 2025.
28 January 2025

*Joint issues to the three conventions.


Submission form Deadline Additional information
Dispatch of the Decision Guidance Document and request for submission of import responses on terbufos
Import response form and instructions
21 July 2024

Additional information on import responses


Call for information English French Spanish
1. Status of implementation Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
2. Enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention by addressing impacts regarding the listing of chemicals in Annex III and its implementation Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
3. Compliance Committee Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
4. Technical assistance Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
5. Synergies in preventing and combating illegal traffic and trade in hazardous chemicals and wastes Download in English



Call for information English French Spanish
6. Venue and dates of the next meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Download in English



Title English French Spanish
Dispatch of the Decision Guidance Document and request for submission of import responses on terbufos Download in English Download in English Download in English


Hidden pop-ups


Call for information English French Spanish
1. Status of implementation Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
2. Enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention by addressing impacts regarding the listing of chemicals in Annex III and its implementation Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
3. Compliance Committee Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
4. Technical assistance Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
5. Synergies in preventing and combating illegal traffic and trade in hazardous chemicals and wastes Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish



Call for information English French Spanish
6. Venue and dates of the next meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions Download in English Download in French Download in Spanish