Survey on definitions of term "pesticides"


At the 7th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention, Parties called on the Secretariat to address problems in submission of import responses stemming from Parties employing different definitions of pesticides. Following this request, the Secretariat sent out a questionnaire in 2016 to seek information from Parties.

At the 8th meeting, the Conference of the Parties in further considering the matter, agreed that the work on the survey on different definitions and the preparation of a comprehensive analysis of the responses and a description of the potential implications of the use of different definitions including options for how to address them should continue. The survey was then relaunched between November 2017 and February 2018.

In addition to the information submitted by Parties, the Secretariat conducted further online search of definitions of the term “pesticides” for Parties that did not respond to the survey at that time. That information is available in document UNEP-FAO-RC-COP.9-INF-7.

Parties’ submissions on national definitions for the term "pesticide" are continuously made available on this website as received and Parties are encouraged to adopt, as soon as possible, a national definition for the term “pesticide” and to communicate national definitions to the Secretariat; as reemphasized in decision RC-11/1 adopted by COP-11 in 2023.

1. Responses submitted by Parties


Items: 65   
Afghanistan78.72 K  
Albania79.6 K  
Australia560.14 K  
Benin 72.5 K 
Bosnia and Herzegovina673.94 K  
Botswana73.5 K  
Brazil81.72 K  
Bulgaria82.84 K  
Burkina Faso 39 K 
Cameroon75 K  
Canada82.76 K  
Chad 74 K 
China80.47 K  
Colombia  63.64 K 18.78 K
Cook Islands72 K  
Côte d'Ivoire 73.5 K 
Democratic Republic of the Congo 72 K 
Dominican Republic  88.83 K
Ecuador  83.37 K
El Salvador  282 K
Eritrea18.39 K  
European Union86.5 K  
Gambia52.42 K  
Georgia76 K  
Ghana54.74 K  
Guinea 47.79 K 
Guinea-Bissau 74.5 K 
Honduras  82.67 K
Iran (Islamic Republic of)43.99 K  
Iraq75 K  
Japan22.59 K  
Kenya79.74 K  
Kuwait91.83 K  
Lesotho71.5 K  
Lesotho214.28 K  
Madagascar 73.5 K 
Malaysia74 K  
Mauritania 75 K 
Mauritius14.16 K  
Mexico  84.29 K
Montenegro72 K  
Mozambique74 K  
Namibia223.92 K  
Niger 75.5 K 
North Macedonia207.5 K  
Norway82.66 K  
Republic of Korea24.06 K  
Republic of Moldova50.32 K 930.18 K  
Romania70.34 K  
Russian Federation14.18 K  
Sao Tome and Principe75.5 K  
Senegal 208.5 K 
Serbia18.12 K  
Sri Lanka52.71 K  
Syrian Arab Republic 78.47 K 
Thailand254.35 K  
Togo 78.5 K 
Trinidad and Tobago74.82 K  
Tunisia 134.5 K 
Türkiye121.33 K  
Ukraine22.03 K  
United Republic of Tanzania74 K  
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)  547.31 K 79.54 K
Yemen19.12 K  
Zimbabwe91.5 K  

2. Results from the online search

Results from the online search were obtained from the FAOLEX database, except for the United Kingdom, for which the respective information were accessed from its official government website.

Compilation of definitions of pesticides collected from other sources  

3. Pesticide definition questionnaires

All parties who have not yet done so or those who want to change their originally submitted documents are encouraged to do so, using one of the below templates, and send it to

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