The Task Group prepares a report, which includes its assessment of whether the notification of final regulatory action on PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds submitted by Norway meets the criteria set out in the Rotterdam Convention. The notification is available as a meeting document on the Meeting Documents page. The initial review by the Task Group is intended to facilitate the work of the Committee and does not replace the requirement for the candidate chemicals to be considered by the entire Committee.
The draft report posted on this page is the result of intersessional work by the Task Group and is to be finalized at the Task Group pre-meeting, to be held on Monday, 7 September 2020. The Task Group pre-meeting is open to all Committee members as well as to observers registered to participate in the sixteenth meeting of the CRC.
Members and observers of the Committee are invited to provide comments on the draft report to the Secretariat ( These comments will be considered at the pre-meeting.
The final report from the Task Group is being made available to the whole Committee as an electronic Conference Room Paper (CRP).