Pursuant to Article 4 of the Rotterdam Convention, each Party is required to designate one or more national authorities that shall be authorized to act on its behalf in the performance of the administrative functions required by the Convention.
Parties are required to inform the Secretariat of the name and address of such authority or authorities to the Secretariat no later than the date of entry into force of the Convention for that Party. Any changes in the name and address of such authority or authorities shall also be notified to the Secretariat.
Rapid transmission of this information supports the effective transmission of information to, from and between Parties, as well as other stakeholders (as appropriate), in relation to the Convention.
The Conference of the Parties adopted a revised harmonized form for notifications of contacts to the Secretariat, including any modifications or additions as they occur. This form was also submitted to and adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention and the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention. The form has been harmonized and may be used to transmit information on designated contacts in accordance with the provisions of the Basel, Rotterdam and/or Stockholm conventions. This is intended to facilitate transmission of information to the Secretariat while respecting the legal autonomy of each Convention.
This form is available in all six official United Nations languages and can be downloaded in English, French or Spanish.
Procedures and processes of the Secretariat
Parties are requested to send the form duly completed to the Secretariat by e-mail ( It is important to note that self-nominations will not be considered.
The form must be completed by an entity duly authorized by the Government to communicate such information to the Secretariat, such as the permanent mission to the United Nations or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The information transmitted will be included in the official records of the Secretariat as well as on the website of the Rotterdam Convention (, as the officially Designated National Authority(ies) for the purposes of Article 4 of the Convention.
List of Designated National Authorities
Please click here to access the list of designated national authorities.