Pursuant to paragraph 7 of the terms of reference of the Committee (decision RC-1/6), each member of the Committee shall sign a declaration of interest as set out in decision RC-1/7 prior to participating in the work of the Committee.
In paragraph 2 of decision RC-1/7, the Conference of the Parties decided, without prejudice to the obligations incumbent upon the individual members of the Committee as set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 of that decision, that Governments have primary responsibility in ensuring compliance with decision RC-1/7. To this effect, when considering designating experts in chemicals management for appointment by the Conference of the Parties, Governments shall exercise due diligence in order to prevent potential or actual situations of conflict of interest.
In accordance with paragraph 7 (a) of decision RC-1/7, when considering designating an expert to the Committee, the Government concerned informs the expert that he or she will be requested by the Secretariat to fill in a declaration of conflicts of interests.
Each member of the Committee shall sign a declaration of conflicts of interest as set out in decision RC-1/7 prior to participating in the work of the Committee.
The Conference of the Parties adopted the declaration of conflicts of interests as set out in the annex to decision RC-1/7 for consideration in connection with the designation, appointment and review of the status of experts to the Committee.
The form is available in all six official United Nations languages and can be downloaded in English, French or Spanish.
Procedures and processes of the Secretariat
Prior to the designation of an expert by a Government, or concurrently with the process for that designation, the Secretariat requests the expert, through the Government, to fill in a declaration of interests. The declaration of interests is to be submitted by the designating Government to the Secretariat.
Information disclosed on this declaration shall reside within the Secretariat and shall be made available to the Conference of the Parties, its Bureau and subsidiary bodies, as deemed appropriate.
For further information on the Committee, please click here.