News Features

Rotterdam Convention Webinar (in Spanish) on Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations (SHPF), Wednesday 21 October 2020
The webinar explains provisions under Article 6 of the Rotterdam Convention and shares experiences on how to monitor and report poisoning incidents caused by Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations. Wednesday, 21 October 2020 from 16:00h -17:00h, Rome time, via “Zoom”.

Rotterdam Convention Webinar (in Spanish) on Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations (SHPF), Wednesday 21 October 2020

Rotterdam Convention Webinar (in Spanish) on Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations (SHPF), Wednesday 21 October 2020
Another Small Island Developing State ratifies the Rotterdam Convention, bringing the total number of Parties to 164
Barbados has deposited its instrument of ratification, with entry into force on 6 January 2021.

Another Small Island Developing State ratifies the Rotterdam Convention, bringing the total number of Parties to 164

Another Small Island Developing State ratifies the Rotterdam Convention, bringing the total number of Parties to 164
Global agreements for a healthy planet: 9 MEAs work together to address illegal traffic
Representatives from the Barcelona Convention, CITES, Climate Change Convention, Convention on Biological Diversity, Minamata Convention, Montreal Protocol, and the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, join the Basel Convention’s Implementation and Compliance Committee online to discuss ways ...

Global agreements for a healthy planet: 9 MEAs work together to address illegal traffic

Global agreements for a healthy planet: 9 MEAs work together to address illegal traffic
All you need to know for the Rotterdam Convention’s Chemical Review Committee meeting, 8 to 11 September 2020
The Convention’s scientific subsidiary body meets online for CRC16, find all Working and Information documents, including on the candidate chemical PFOA, online here.

All you need to know for the Rotterdam Convention’s Chemical Review Committee meeting, 8 to 11 September 2020

All you need to know for the Rotterdam Convention’s Chemical Review Committee meeting, 8 to 11 September 2020
The Rotterdam Convention now has 163 Parties as Tuvalu accedes
Tuvalu has deposited its instrument of accession with the UN, entering into force on 19 November 2020.

The Rotterdam Convention now has 163 Parties as Tuvalu accedes

The Rotterdam Convention now has 163 Parties as Tuvalu accedes
Webinar: General Guidance on Bridging of Pesticide Risk Assessments (session in Spanish)
This webinar, on 27 August at 1000 CET, is aimed at reducing the workload of national Rotterdam Convention decision makers.

Webinar: General Guidance on Bridging of Pesticide Risk Assessments (session in Spanish)

Webinar: General Guidance on Bridging of Pesticide Risk Assessments (session in Spanish)
Preparations for Rotterdam Convention COP-10 underway: Bureau meeting report now available
The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention met online, 9 June 2020, to discuss preparations for COP-10 in 2021. The report of that meeting is now available online.

Preparations for Rotterdam Convention COP-10 underway: Bureau meeting report now available

Preparations for Rotterdam Convention COP-10 underway: Bureau meeting report now available
Briefing webinars organised to help prepare for forthcoming Chemical Review Committee meeting
Issues and practicalities for the Rotterdam Convention CRC-16 meeting will be presented and discussed.

Briefing webinars organised to help prepare for forthcoming Chemical Review Committee meeting

Briefing webinars organised to help prepare for forthcoming Chemical Review Committee meeting
Algeria becomes the 162nd Party to the Rotterdam Convention
Having recently deposited its instrument of accession WITH the UN Depositary in New York, the convention will ENTER INTO FORCE for Algeria on 19 October 2020.

Algeria becomes the 162nd Party to the Rotterdam Convention

Algeria becomes the 162nd Party to the Rotterdam Convention
Latest BRS Newsletter is out and available online
Click here for COVID-19 medical waste news and guidance, along with other developments related to the sound management of chemicals and waste.

Latest BRS Newsletter is out and available online

Latest BRS Newsletter is out and available online
Webinar: The Rotterdam Convention Resource Kit explained
A Spanish-language webinar on 13 July will provide an overview of this comprehensive implementation toolkit. English and French webinars are planned for later this year.

Webinar: The Rotterdam Convention Resource Kit explained

Webinar: The Rotterdam Convention Resource Kit explained
51st edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now online
Key document on Prior Informed Consent issued for 51st time, sharing information to assist and inform Parties for better decision-making regarding pesticides and chemicals.

51st edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now online

51st edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now online
Rotterdam Convention’s Final Validation Workshop takes place in Lao PDR for project on pesticides survey
Government and stakeholders address Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHP) and Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations (SHPF) at national workshop on 28 May 2020.

Rotterdam Convention’s Final Validation Workshop takes place in Lao PDR for project on pesticides survey

Rotterdam Convention’s Final Validation Workshop takes place in Lao PDR for project on pesticides survey
Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions described as environmental governance “Hits of 2019” by IISD
Read the Earth Negotiations Bulletin’s review “State of Global Environmental Governance 2019” published recently by the International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions described as environmental governance “Hits of 2019” by IISD

Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions described as environmental governance “Hits of 2019” by IISD
Key Rotterdam Convention meeting pushes ahead with planning
Preparations for the 2021 Meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP) are discussed by the Rotterdam Convention’s COP Bureau, during an online meeting on 9 June 2020.

Key Rotterdam Convention meeting pushes ahead with planning

Key Rotterdam Convention meeting pushes ahead with planning
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