Regional preparatory meetings for the upcoming meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions are taking place in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe and GRULAC regions during March 2023.
Regional preparations in the lead-up the 2023 BRS Conventions COPs
Regional preparatory meetings for the upcoming meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions are taking place in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe and GRULAC regions during March 2023..
The objective of these webinars is for the proponents and co-sponsors to provide information on their proposal to amend Articles 7, 10, 11 and 22 of the Rotterdam Convention and to add a new Annex VIII.
Briefings on the proposal to amend Articles 7, 10, 11 and 22 of the Rotterdam Convention and to add a new Annex VIII
The objective of this online briefing is to inform Parties to the Basel and Rotterdam Conventions, observers and other stakeholders on the outcomes of the fifteenth meeting of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee (BC ICC-15) and the first meeting of the Rotterdam Convention&r...
Outcomes of the Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee and the Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee meetings
All side events will be held during lunch breaks and in the evenings. The deadline for applications is 1 March 2023.
Apply for a side event at the 2023 BRS COPs!
Happy holidays and a prosperous 2023!
Published on a biannual basis, the PIC Circular is a key document in the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, both for the operation of the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure, and for the exchange of information on hazardous chemicals.
56th edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now available
Key document on Prior Informed Consent issued for 56th time, sharing information to assist and inform Parties for better decision-making regarding pesticides and chemicals.
56th edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular now online
The meeting took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on 25 October 2022.
Rotterdam COP Bureau meeting report now available
Download and read the report for the Chemical Review Committee on the work of its eighteenth meeting.
CRC-18 advance report now available in English
The Rotterdam Convention has developed a series of tools, including a technical assistance website, an interactive map, and a resource kit, in order to strengthen the capacities of developing Parties and Parties with economies in transition.
Rotterdam Convention offers technical assistance tools
Invitation letters to 2023 BRS COPs have been sent out to Parties.
2023 Rotterdam COP provisional agenda now available
Taking place from 28 November to 1 December 2022, the workshop is organized by the Costa Rica Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, with the support of the Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Join the workshop for strengthening capacities of the Rotterdam Convention in Costa Rica!
The meeting will be held from 16 to 18 November 2022, back-to-back with the 15th Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee meeting.
Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee meets for the first time
The amendments to list decabromodiphenyl ether and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds enter into force on 22 October 2022. Parties are invited to provide import responses by 21 July 2023.
Listing of two new chemicals in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention
During the 18th meeting of the Chemical Review Committee, delegates will focus on finalising guidance documents about the terbufos and iprodione pesticides, both of which could be considered for listing in 2023. The meeting will conclude on 23 September.
CRC-18 begins in Rome with reviews of final regulatory actions for 10 chemicals