News Features

Rotterdam COP Bureau meets in Geneva on 15 May 2024
The Bureau members will discuss the provisional agenda and preparations of the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention in 2025.

Rotterdam COP Bureau meets in Geneva on 15 May 2024

Rotterdam COP Bureau meets in Geneva on 15 May 2024
Technical Assistance Interactive map – Strengthening capacities through global information sharing
The interactive map, provides a visual overview of the technical assistance of the Convention. The map allows users to explore the activities implemented in the PIC regions, compare figures and activities in order to have a comprehensive overview of the Convention's work.

Technical Assistance Interactive map – Strengthening capacities through global information sharing

Technical Assistance Interactive map – Strengthening capacities through global information sharing
Second meeting of the Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee equips Parties with more tools
The international trade in chemicals controlled by the Rotterdam Convention is now being systematically collected and analysed on the challenges being faced by both importing and exporting Parties.

Second meeting of the Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee equips Parties with more tools

Second meeting of the Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee equips Parties with more tools

For the first time, information about international trade in chemicals controlled by the Rotterdam Convention is now being systematically collected and analysed on the challenges being faced by both importing and exporting Parties. A valuable source of information that feeds into other work under the Convention, the analyses done by the Compliance Committee has led to a better identification of Parties’ needs and recommendations about how technical assistance could be tailored to address Parties’ needs.

As a priority, the Committee considered the case of one Party facing difficulties with designating its contacts under the Convention. The Committee agreed to continue communications with and support to this Party to lead to the designation of its national authority, which is the foundation enabling Parties to exchange information to control the international trade of hazardous chemicals and pesticides.

The Committee has been monitoring the work of similar bodies and explored lessons from implementation and compliance bodies of other multilateral environmental agreements to inform its work. This fed into the development of a template that Parties could use when making submissions of non-compliance to the Committee, to facilitate this process and make help available to Parties. The template has been recommended for adoption by the governing body of the Convention, as well as a recommendation to encourage Parties to use this resource.

Mr. Osvaldo Alvarez-Perez, Chair of the Committee, highlighted:   
“The Committee's role primarily involves facilitating communication and providing a platform for parties to express their challenges, potentially providing mediation or facilitate discussions among relevant stakeholders to seek collaborative approaches in addressing the challenges at hand”.

Over three days, Committee members and observers from governments and non-governmental organizations met in FAO headquarters, one of the seats of the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat. This situation helps to provide tailormade support to Parties, with a team of experts in the Plant Production and Protection Division supporting Parties with pesticides issues in Rome and a team within the United Nations Environment Programme in Geneva supporting Parties in relation to industrial chemicals.

The Committee considered systemic issues of general compliance with implementing the obligations under the Convention and tackled a wide range of matters including relating to laws, notifications under the Convention and information exchange, as well as related to cooperation with the Implementation and Compliance Committee of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.

The second meeting of the Compliance Committee (CC-2) of the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade took place in Rome, Italy, from 19 to 21 March 2024. Hosted at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The members of the Committee worked tirelessly to provide support to Parties dealing with individual compliance issues and with systemic issues with obligations under the Convention.


The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade is jointly administered by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The 166 Parties to this legally binding Convention share responsibility and cooperate to safely manage chemicals in international trade. To date, 55 hazardous chemicals and pesticides are listed in its Annex III, making their international trade subject to a prior informed consent (PIC) procedure.

The Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee deals with specific submissions relating to the compliance of an individual Party and reviews systemic issues of general compliance.

The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions (BRS Secretariat) brings together three leading multilateral environment agreements that share the common objective of protecting human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals and waste.

The Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee benefits from generous financial support provided by Switzerland.

For information on the Rotterdam Convention Compliance Committee, contact: Ms. Yvonne Ewang-Sanvincenti, Legal Officer, and Mr. Mario Yarto, Agricultural  Officer,

For media inquiries, contact: Ms. Asana Greenstreet, BRS Public Information Officer,

Calling all Parties to respond the BRS Secretariat with their technical assistance needs by 31 May 2024
Questionnaires have been sent to Parties, to assess their technical assistance needs, as well as abilities to offer technical assistance.

Calling all Parties to respond the BRS Secretariat with their technical assistance needs by 31 May 2024

Calling all Parties to respond the BRS Secretariat with their technical assistance needs by 31 May 2024
BRS Secretariat at UNEA-6
The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions will participate in the upcoming UNEA-6 to show case the contributions of the BRS conventions to tackle the triple planetary crisis and to attain the SDGs, while highlighting ongoing cooperation with UNEP.

BRS Secretariat at UNEA-6

BRS Secretariat at UNEA-6
CRC-19 meeting report in languages
The report of the nineteenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee is now available in all 6 UN languages.

CRC-19 meeting report in languages

CRC-19 meeting report in languages
Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC)
The Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention is organizing a three-day face-to-face workshop to orient members of the CRC, in preparation for the intersessional work building up to the twentieth annual meeting of the Committee (CRC-20).

Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC)

Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC)
Inception workshop in Malaysia to enhance capacity in monitoring pesticide use in the field
The national project on pesticide use and incident monitoring aims to enhance capacity in monitoring pesticide use in the field, identifying those that cause severe health problems in Malaysia.

Inception workshop in Malaysia to enhance capacity in monitoring pesticide use in the field

Inception workshop in Malaysia to enhance capacity in monitoring pesticide use in the field
COP-11 meeting report in languages now available
The final version of the report of the Rotterdam Convention COP-11 is now available in all 6 UN languages.

COP-11 meeting report in languages now available

COP-11 meeting report in languages now available
BRS Secretariat Highlights of 2023
As we look back on 2023, the BRS Secretariat is proud to share with you some of the key highlights that has made this year a special one!

BRS Secretariat Highlights of 2023

BRS Secretariat Highlights of 2023
BRS at COP-28: How the sound management of chemicals and waste relates to climate action
The BRS Secretariat engaged in COP28 in various events and shares its takeaways from the meeting on the contribution of the sound management of chemicals and wastes to climate action.

BRS at COP-28: How the sound management of chemicals and waste relates to climate action

BRS at COP-28: How the sound management of chemicals and waste relates to climate action
Publication of the 58th edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular
58th edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular is now available! The PIC Circular is a key document in the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention for the operation of the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure and for the exchange of information on hazardous chemicals in international tr...

Publication of the 58th edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular

Publication of the 58th edition of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular
National Workshop for the Implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in Ecuador
This national workshop provided the opportunity to review in detail the status of implementation of the Convention in Ecuador, exchange information about its national system and unite the institutions in charge of the management of chemicals and pesticides in the country.

National Workshop for the Implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in Ecuador

National Workshop for the Implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in Ecuador
BRS Secretariat at the Climate Change COP28
BRS Secretariat engagement at the upcoming Climate Change COP28 to highlight the benefits of integrating the management of chemicals and waste and, circularity economy approaches, into climate actions.

BRS Secretariat at the Climate Change COP28

BRS Secretariat at the Climate Change COP28
Training Course on Basic Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of Meetings of the BRS Conventions
Enhance your chairing skills by taking the free, upgraded training course on Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of BRS Convention Meetings.

Training Course on Basic Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of Meetings of the BRS Conventions

Training Course on Basic Principles of Chairing and Role of the Chairs of Meetings of the BRS Conventions
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