News Features

Regional collaboration in West Africa boosts capacity for sound management of chemicals
Rotterdam Convention Parties in West Africa’s Sahelian region are working together to protect human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals.

Regional collaboration in West Africa boosts capacity for sound management of chemicals

Regional collaboration in West Africa boosts capacity for sound management of chemicals

In the past dozen years the CILSS countries of the African Sahel have collaborated to implement the Rotterdam Convention, accomplishing together much more than they could have done individually. This is the first case of regional implementation of the Rotterdam Convention. Its success is offered as an example to other regions of the benefits of collaboration.

Click here to read the full version of this publication.

Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic
As a timely expression of the international day of Women-in-Science on 11 February, 19 out of 22 participants at this key CRC/POPRC joint workshop are female.

Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic

Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic
BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science
Three-quarters of the BRS Science and Technical Assistance Branch are female, adding their voices to the international day of Women and Girls in Science, 11 February.

BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science

BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science
Rotterdam Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available
The final version of the report of the eighth meeting of the COP to the Rotterdam Convention is now available online in the six UN languages.

Rotterdam Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available

Rotterdam Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available
Enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention
Parties and others are invited to comment, by 31 March 2018, on the report analysing the legal and operational implications of priority actions to enhance the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention.

Enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention

Enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention
Accession by State of Palestine to Rotterdam Convention, increases total to 160 Parties
The State of Palestine has acceded to the Rotterdam Convention, depositing its instruments of accession to both the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions on 29 December 2017, with entry into force on 29 March 2018.

Accession by State of Palestine to Rotterdam Convention, increases total to 160 Parties

Accession by State of Palestine to Rotterdam Convention, increases total to 160 Parties


Season’s Greetings from the BRS Secretariat
A Happy New Year to all Parties, partners, stakeholders and donors from the BRS Secretariat

Season’s Greetings from the BRS Secretariat

Season’s Greetings from the BRS Secretariat


Online survey on definitions of the term “pesticides”
The deadline for responses by Parties has been extended to 15 February 2018.

Online survey on definitions of the term “pesticides”

Online survey on definitions of the term “pesticides”
PIC Circular now available
The latest version of the Rotterdam Convention PIC Circular is now available online.

PIC Circular now available

PIC Circular now available
BRS staff members show their support for UNEA-3’s message to Beat Pollution
Whilst key resolutions were adopted at the UN Environment Assembly yesterday in Nairobi on marine litter, air and soil pollution, and environment & health, BRS staff took to social media to show their support.

BRS staff members show their support for UNEA-3’s message to Beat Pollution

BRS staff members show their support for UNEA-3’s message to Beat Pollution
New report shows progress on gender in chemical conventions’ decision-making and planning
Together with IUCN, the BRS Secretariat publishes new research showing progress on mainstreaming gender into the work of the 3 chemical conventions.

New report shows progress on gender in chemical conventions’ decision-making and planning

New report shows progress on gender in chemical conventions’ decision-making and planning
Stakeholders invited to share opinions on knowledge management needs
The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management – SAICM - invites all stakeholders to share their views through an online survey on information needs.

Stakeholders invited to share opinions on knowledge management needs

Stakeholders invited to share opinions on knowledge management needs
New BRS App available for all your #Detox info needs
Experts attending the forthcoming scientific meetings of the Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions can download our updated App.

New BRS App available for all your #Detox info needs

New BRS App available for all your #Detox info needs
Trilateral cooperation boosts Rotterdam Convention implementation
Trilateral cooperation with Italy and the European Union paves the way for Turkey’s implementation of the Rotterdam Convention.

Trilateral cooperation boosts Rotterdam Convention implementation

Trilateral cooperation boosts Rotterdam Convention implementation

On 21 September 2017, Turkey deposited its instrument of ratification in New York, becoming the 159th Party to the Rotterdam Convention. On 20 December 2017, the Convention will enter into force for Turkey.

This positive step for human health and the environment has come about as a result of much work domestically within Turkey as well as through trilateral international cooperation between Turkey, Italy, and the European Union.

Between 2015 and 2017, several national training initiatives took place in Turkey within the framework of the “Technical Assistance Programme for the Implementation of Export and Import of Dangerous Chemicals Regulation”. This project is supported by the European Union and by the Italian Customs Authority and Monopolies Agency, in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.

The main objective of this programme was to set in place the best scenario for sound implementation and enforcement of the obligations related to the Rotterdam Convention.

The ministries of Agriculture, Economy, Environment, Health, Trade and Labour, together with Customs Authority, were all involved in fruitful discussions around this key topic, taking into consideration that chemicals industries in Turkey employ more than 200,000 people in approximately 6,000 companies around the country in Adana, Ankara, Gaziantep, Istanbul, Izmir, Kocaeli and Sakarya.

In October 2017, a Turkish delegation will meet for two days with the Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention in FAO Headquarters in Rome. The key provisions of the Convention will be introduced in order to initiate the journey for a smooth national implementation. Article 5 on final regulatory actions notifications, article 10 on importing responses and article 12 on export notification, will be extensively discussed as milestones of the PIC Procedure and of Information Exchange, the core business and driving force of this Convention.

Technical assistance activities in Turkey will be programmed for 2018 based on the results of the recommendations that will be presented at the end of these discussions by the Turkish delegation to the Secretariat.

For further information please contact:

Draft reports now online ahead of Rotterdam Convention scientific committee meeting
Preliminary reviews of chemicals to be considered by the next meeting of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC-13) are online.

Draft reports now online ahead of Rotterdam Convention scientific committee meeting

Draft reports now online ahead of Rotterdam Convention scientific committee meeting
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