News Features

BRS contributes to high-level political debate on sound management
BRS chief Rolph Payet participated in discussions at the High-Level Political Forum in New York, at which Sweden announced the launch of the High Ambition Alliance on Chemicals and Waste.

BRS contributes to high-level political debate on sound management

BRS contributes to high-level political debate on sound management
Regional meeting in Mozambique boosts Rotterdam Convention implementation in Southern Africa
Officials from 5 southern African countries meet in Maputo, Mozambique, for training on notification of final regulatory actions.

Regional meeting in Mozambique boosts Rotterdam Convention implementation in Southern Africa

Regional meeting in Mozambique boosts Rotterdam Convention implementation in Southern Africa


Report on implementation of BRS programmes of work & budgets now available
Now online: Secretariat report on the implementation of the programmes of work & budgets of the Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm conventions for the biennium 2016-2017

Report on implementation of BRS programmes of work & budgets now available

Report on implementation of BRS programmes of work & budgets now available


Preparations for Rotterdam Convention COP-9 underway
The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention met from 26 to 27 June 2018 in Geneva, to discuss preparations for the RC COP-9 in 2019. The meeting report is now online.

Preparations for Rotterdam Convention COP-9 underway

Preparations for Rotterdam Convention COP-9 underway
New Executive Secretary (FAO) appointed for Rotterdam Convention
Hans Dreyer, Director of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s Plant Production and Protection Division, has joined the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat, ad interim and effective 1 May 2018.

New Executive Secretary (FAO) appointed for Rotterdam Convention

New Executive Secretary (FAO) appointed for Rotterdam Convention
Regional meeting in Uruguay builds capacity for Rotterdam Convention implementation
Designated National Authorities (DNAs) and experts in pesticide registration from Latin America come together to share experiences in support of the development and notification of Final Regulatory Actions.

Regional meeting in Uruguay builds capacity for Rotterdam Convention implementation

Regional meeting in Uruguay builds capacity for Rotterdam Convention implementation


New document provides clarity on Rotterdam Convention use definitions
Part of the Convention’s Resource Kit, this leaflet addresses the role of the use category and challenges that Parties may experience in this regard.

New document provides clarity on Rotterdam Convention use definitions

New document provides clarity on Rotterdam Convention use definitions
Rome workshop brings together Rotterdam Convention scientific experts from across the world
The new members of the Chemical Review Committee meet for an orientation workshop in Rome, 16 to 18 April, ahead of commencing their terms of office on 1 May.

Rome workshop brings together Rotterdam Convention scientific experts from across the world

Rome workshop brings together Rotterdam Convention scientific experts from across the world


On International Women’s Day, BRS seeks more Gender Heroes
The BRS Secretariat invites Parties and stakeholders to submit stories highlighting innovative or inspiring examples of gender mainstreaming for sound management of chemicals and waste.

On International Women’s Day, BRS seeks more Gender Heroes

On International Women’s Day, BRS seeks more Gender Heroes
The BRS Secretariat celebrates International Women’s Day
Women are disproportionately impacted by hazardous chemicals and waste. Gender mainstreaming case studies, profiles of Gender Heroes and Gender Pioneers, and the BRS Gender Action Plan are all available on our website.

The BRS Secretariat celebrates International Women’s Day

The BRS Secretariat celebrates International Women’s Day
Report of the Rotterdam Convention’s CRC-13 meeting now available in all languages
The final version of the report of the Chemical Review Committee’s 13th meeting is now available in the six UN languages.

Report of the Rotterdam Convention’s CRC-13 meeting now available in all languages

Report of the Rotterdam Convention’s CRC-13 meeting now available in all languages


Regional collaboration in West Africa boosts capacity for sound management of chemicals
Rotterdam Convention Parties in West Africa’s Sahelian region are working together to protect human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals.

Regional collaboration in West Africa boosts capacity for sound management of chemicals

Regional collaboration in West Africa boosts capacity for sound management of chemicals

In the past dozen years the CILSS countries of the African Sahel have collaborated to implement the Rotterdam Convention, accomplishing together much more than they could have done individually. This is the first case of regional implementation of the Rotterdam Convention. Its success is offered as an example to other regions of the benefits of collaboration.

Click here to read the full version of this publication.

Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic
As a timely expression of the international day of Women-in-Science on 11 February, 19 out of 22 participants at this key CRC/POPRC joint workshop are female.

Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic

Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions’ scientific subsidiary bodies training in Brno, Czech Republic
BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science
Three-quarters of the BRS Science and Technical Assistance Branch are female, adding their voices to the international day of Women and Girls in Science, 11 February.

BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science

BRS Secretariat staff help highlight the importance of women and girls in science
Rotterdam Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available
The final version of the report of the eighth meeting of the COP to the Rotterdam Convention is now available online in the six UN languages.

Rotterdam Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available

Rotterdam Convention COP-8 meeting report - All languages now available
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