CRC-19 - Day 2 highlights

Following a busy first day with discussions both in plenary and contact groups, the second day of the 19th meeting of the Chemical Review Meeting (CRC-19) resumed today at 9:30am.

Designated chairs reported that their contact groups had successfully, finalized a draft rationale for mercury (EU and Colombia) in the industrial category, and a draft rationale for chlorpyrifos (Malaysia and Sri Lanka) in the pesticide category. These would be considered by the plenary for adoption later in the meeting. Thereafter, the Committee continued working in contact groups throughout the morning.

In the afternoon, the Committee resumed in a plenary session, with consideration of notifications of final regulatory action for four pesticides (chlorfenvinphos, methidathion, carbaryl, and thiodicarb). CRC members and observers actively engaged in detailed and constructive discussions, with differing views being expressed and a rich exchange ensuing. The Committee agreed to continue its exchanges within a contact group. The Committee will resume its deliberations tomorrow 5 October 2023, at 9:30am.