Interactive tools make reading of long documents online a breeze
Three interactive tools have been published to support Designated National Authorities (DNAs) and all key stakeholders in the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention. The information – available as desktop version and tablet version – has been developed in Html5, designed to facilitate the reading of long documents on a screen.
The interactive
Guidance to Designated National Authorities on the Operation of the Convention is an essential tool for DNAs describing in detail all key elements and obligations of the Convention.
Interactive Forms and Instructions will assist Parties to identify the necessary information to complete the forms and be compliant with the obligations pursuant to the Convention.
The Text of the Convention with its 30 articles and 6 annexes. This interactive version of the Text of the Convention facilitates the navigation through the different articles and annexes.
The three interactive tools were produced through the financial support of the European Union in the framework of the Rotterdam Convention technical assistance programme 2014-2015.