BRS Executive Secretary gave an interview on UNEP’s decision to establish a science-policy panel that will further contribute to the sound management of chemicals and waste.
Held on the margins of the United Nations Environment Programme’s 50th anniversary, the event explored ways of keeping environmental governance effective under the Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
Join the side event during the special session of the UNEA, co-organized by the eight UNEP-administered Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
Celebrating ten years of collaboration in the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.
Sign up to attend on 24 February!
The report of the 10th Meeting of the Conference of Parties (online segment) is available to view or download in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian.
The Executive Secretaries and team whish you Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for 2022.
Key document on Prior Informed Consent issued for 54th time, sharing information to assist and inform Parties for better decision-making regarding pesticides and chemicals.
On 13 December, join us for a webinar examining the challenges and opportunities that stem from registering and regulating biopesticides. Featuring high level speakers from FAO, the OECD, the European Commission, and prominent entities from across the industry.
Join the latest in the free capacity-building webinars, organised by the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat.
Join the latest in the free capacity-building webinars, organised by the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat.
Join this week’s webinar on “Towards Sustainable Management of Obsolete Stocks and Pesticide Packaging through Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation”.
Sessions in English on 2, 8, 10, 15, 22, 24 and 29 November give an overview of pesticide risk assessment, evaluation, and regulation.
As the climate change COP-26 opens in Glasgow, the new BRS Press Release highlights the linkages between chemicals, waste, and climate change.
Landmark building illuminated by Basel Convention green to highlight links between climate change and chemicals and waste, including plastic waste.
Rotterdam Convention continues to move towards universal coverage as Grenada deposits its instrument of accession, with entry into force on 13 January, 2022.
The workshop features multiple sessions including training, capacity-building, dialogue between stakeholders and the identification of key elements of a national implementation plan.
Join the webinar on Thursday 30 September, aimed at Designated National Authorities and other interested stakeholders.
The 17th meeting of the Chemicals Review Committee ended online today, with experts recommending the listing of a further two pesticides by the Rotterdam Convention COP-12 in 2023.
CRC-17 brings together scientists from around the world, online, with a busy agenda including the review of notifications of final regulatory actions for hazardous chemicals.