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Morocco, June 2012 : National consultation on the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention
Rabat, 28 May – 1 June 2012. A total of 33 representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, Poison Centres, Customs, NGOs and farmers, participated in a workshop on the implementation of the Rotterdam Conven...
Inception workshop on severely hazardous pesticide formulations (SHPFs)
Thailand 2012: Rotterdam Convention works with stakeholders to address risks of severely hazardous pesticide formulations
The Secretariat would like to draw attention to the over 200 chemicals for which notifications of final regulatory action have been received and that have been verified to contain the information requirements of Annex I of the Convention. In order for any of these chemicals to be considered for inc...
Conference on "Chrysotile Asbestos: Assessment and Risk Management"
First international scientific conference on assessment and risk management of Chrysotile Asbestos, organized by the Institute of Occupational Health of NAMS, Ukraine.
UN experts recommend further industrial chemicals and a severely hazardous pesticide formulation be added to chemicals "early warning system"
The Rotterdam Convention’s PIC procedure, considered a country’s first line of defence against toxic chemicals.
Zimbabwe simultaneously ratifies the chemicals and waste conventions
It is the first time all three conventions have been ratified by a UN member State at the same time. The ratifications will be effective as of 30 May 2012.
Republic of Moldova submits multiple import responses to Annex III chemicals
In a determined effort to satisfy its obligations under the Rotterdam Convention, the Republic of Moldova submitted 26 import responses for Annex III listed chemicals during the month of December, 2011. The new submissions (17 pesticides and 9 industrial chemicals) will add to another 16 import re...
Globe's first line of defense against toxic chemicals strengthened
UN adds three pesticides to ‘Prior Informed Consent’ procedure to protect health and the environment against hazardous chemicals in international trade
Governments gather to protect health and the environment from Hazardous chemicals
Under the theme “Rotterdam COP5: PICturing Chemical Safety, PICturing Informed Decisions”, the conference will consider measures to strengthen implementation of the globe’s first line of defence for chemical safety.
Launch of InforMEA - the United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
The Multilateral Environmental Agreements Information and Knowledge Management Initiative (MEA IKM), launched today develops harmonized MEA information systems to assist Parties and the environment community at large access information from multiple agreements from one location. Supported by UNEP th...
A Crisis of plastic pollution
Findings released from the world's first plastic-research voyage through the southern hemisphere
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