All activities

Synergies review: e-surveys launched
E-surveys are now available online to gather data and feedback on the synergies process.
PIC Circular now available
PIC Circular XLIII June 2016 is now available.
The report of the meeting of the COP-8 Bureau held on 14 June 2016 is now available.
UN member states agree 25 resolutions at UNEA2
Resolutions on the sound management of chemicals and waste, marine litter, and the role of MEAs among resolutions agreed by UN member states at UNEA in Nairobi, 23 - 27 May 2016.
Agenda available for next meeting of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC.12)
Reviewing pesticides and industrial chemicals for inclusion in the Convention, CRC.12 will take place from 14-16 September 2016 at FAO headquarters in Rome. The meeting agenda is now available.
Rotterdam Convention and Southern African Pesticide Regulators’ Forum addressing highly hazardous pesticides
45 representatives from 15 SADC countries met in South Africa for training and discussions on minimising risks to human health and the environment from highly hazardous pesticides.
Sustainable management of chemicals and waste at UNEA-2
Delivering the environmental dimension of the SDGs means achieving sustainable management of chemicals and waste, the message at UNEA-2 in Nairobi, 23-27 May.
Successful orientation workshop leaves Rotterdam CRC members “ready to go”
Some 24 experts of the Chemicals Review Committee took part in the recent orientation workshop, hosted by FAO in Rome from 18 to 21 April 2016.
Special Programme on Chemicals and Waste: Call for Proposals Open
Aiming to strengthen national institutions and to promote the mainstreaming of sound management of chemicals and wastes, the 1st Call for Proposals is open until 4 July 2016.
Preventing illegal trade in environmentally - sensitive commodities
Green Customs Initiative: the BRS Secretariat hosts the 11th meeting of the GCI Partners in Geneva, 14-15 April 2016.
Bahrain makes record submission of 30 import responses
The Environmental Assessment and Control Department of the Supreme Council for the Environment in the Kingdom of Bahrain, has submitted 30 remaining import responses meeting its obligation under article 10 of the Rotterdam Convention.
Cameroon submits 23 import responses
The Department of Standards and Control of the Ministry of the Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development, has submitted 23 import responses meeting its obligation under article 10 of the Rotterdam Convention.
Key planning meeting concludes in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Development of a national action plan and priorities for implementation among the outputs of a key workshop hosted by the Lao government in Vientiane, 16 - 19 February 2016.
Tunisia ratifies the Rotterdam Convention
The number of Parties to the Convention rises to 155, with Tunisia’s ratification, which enters into force on 9 May 2016.
18th February is the 4th Anniversary of the - joint - BRS Secretariat
BRS Deputy Executive Secretary, Kerstin Stendahl, outlines lessons learnt from 10 years of working on synergies.
Royal Kingdom of Swaziland makes record notification of 36 Import Responses
The Swaziland Environmental Authority, under the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, made a notification of 36 Import Responses towards meeting its implementation obligations.
Watch the latest BRS science video
New film shows how science underpins decision-making for the 3 BRS conventions.
Call for views on compliance
The President of the COP invites Parties to share their views on outstanding issues, by 15 April 2016.
Institutional strengthening for implementation of the BRS Conventions
The Executive Board of the UNEP Special Programme holds its first meeting on 2 to 3 February 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.
What are the implications of the recent CRC11 meeting?
Interview between Charlie Avis, BRS Public Information Officer, Yun Zhou, Technical Officer of the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat based at FAO Rome.
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