Questions to collect information

At the face-to-face sessions of its second meeting, the Committee agreed on a number of issues to develop, under the guidance of lead members and for endorsement by the Committee, questions to collect information from Parties.

Information was collected from Parties on the following issues on which the Committee is working within its mandate to review systemic issues of general compliance:

  1. Laws, regulations, policies, procedures and other measures to implement the Rotterdam Convention;
  2. Notifications of final regulatory actions
  3. Exports and imports of chemicals listed in Annex III
  4. Export notifications.

Responses from Parties

The questions to collect information are available here. Responses to the questions received from Parties in all 5 United Nations regions for consideration at the resumed online session of the second meeting are set out in the table below :


Items: 31Load time table: 764.4047 msec 
8/30/2024Bahrain22.13 K
8/30/2024Benin23.95 K
8/30/2024Bosnia and Herzegovina23.73 K
8/30/2024Brazil23.51 K
8/30/2024Cambodia23.73 K
8/30/2024Canada48.03 K
8/30/2024Chile23.72 K
8/30/2024Colombia23.82 K
8/30/2024Costa Rica26.04 K
8/30/2024Ecuador25.24 K
8/30/2024Eritrea230.49 K
8/30/2024Ethiopia22.63 K
9/16/2024European Union23.86 K
8/30/2024Guatemala1.52 MB
8/30/2024Guyana22.88 K
8/30/2024Iraq24.65 K
8/30/2024Kuwait23.48 K
8/30/2024Mauritius136.52 K
8/30/2024Republic of Moldova22.77 K
8/30/2024Montenegro23.48 K
8/30/2024New Zealand23.59 K
8/30/2024Nicaragua23.03 K
8/30/2024North Macedonia25.6 K
8/30/2024Norway23.48 K
8/30/2024Paraguay24.85 K
8/30/2024Saudi Arabia24.26 K
8/30/2024Serbia52.13 K
8/30/2024Switzerland23.8 K
8/30/2024Thailand23.03 K
8/30/2024Trinidad and Tobago23.93 K
8/30/2024United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland23.47 K