Intersessional working group on enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention

An intersessional working group was established by the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention (RC-8/8) to undertake intersessional work on enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention.

The intersessional working group is mandated: 

  • To identify a set of prioritized recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of the Convention, based on the report prepared by the Secretariat on the legal and operational implications of the priority actions received through the online survey and comments provided on the report; and
  • To prepare a report identifying further steps for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its ninth meeting.

The Conference of the Parties called on Parties to nominate representatives to participate in the working group and to inform the Secretariat of their nominations by 30 September 2017. The group is open to participation by non-Party States. It shall operate by electronic means and, subject to the availability of resources, hold face-to-face meetings.

As at 29 May 2018, the group comprised 46 members from 28 Parties and one observer from a non-Party State.

Members and observers of the intersessional working group on enhancing the effectiveness of the Rotterdam Convention (as of 29 May 2018)