Meeting with Rotterdam Convention Designated National Authorities from the Africa Region: Technical Assistance Stocktaking and Outlook

Online, 27 February 2025

Highlights: To enhance the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, it is necessary to convene with representatives of the Parties to review the technical assistance provided by the Secretariat and assess its effectiveness in supporting the Parties in fulfilling their obligations.

During this meeting, representatives of the Parties will present the status of the Rotterdam Convention (RC) implementation in their respective countries, highlighting gaps and priority needs. They will also provide information on specific alternatives currently in use for chemicals listed in Annex III or candidate pesticides proposed for inclusion in Annex III.

Organizers: This meeting is being organized by the Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention.

Working language: French

Meeting objectives: This one-day online meeting aims to remind Parties of their obligations, provide information on the technical assistance (TA) delivered by the Secretariat in 2023 and 2024, and discuss follow-up actions and key outcomes to be achieved.

Target audience: The meeting targets the Designated National Authorities to the Rotterdam convention in French speaking countries in Africa.

Contact information

For more information on the meeting, please contact Sarra Baccouri (