Sub-regional consultation on the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in synergy with the Basel and Stockholm conventions: An integrated approach to pesticides and chemicals management at national and regional level


The Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention with the help of State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry (SAEPF) of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Workshop Objectives

  1. To strengthen the national capacities of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to fully implement the obligations under the Rotterdam Convention, emphasizing the cross-cutting aspects with Basel and Stockholm Conventions at the national and regional level.
  2. To explain the ratification process and benefits of being a Party to the Rotterdam Convention, but also to the other MEA.

Target Audience

  1. The designated national authorities (DNAs) for the Rotterdam Convention, the competent authorities (CA) for the Basel Convention and the official contact points (OCPs) for the Stockholm Convention;
  2. The local/national NGOs that have experience in the rural communities and pesticides in the human health and environmental protection domain from the following countries: Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Workshop Documents


Items: 1 
Workshop Report1 MB


The Consultation was delivered as per agenda, countries and Parties listened to the Secretariat and Resource persons’ presentations with interest and actively participated in the discussions.

The difficulties related to the implementation and the synergistic approach of the three Conventions were discussed. It was noted that speeding up the ratification of the three Conventions from the non-Parties in the region would facilitate creating more transparent trans-boundary movements and improve the trade. Concrete future actions from the participants and recommendations to the Secretariat were adopted and are included in the final report.

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