Ratification of Rotterdam Convention – step closer to environmentally sound management of pesticides and industrial chemicals; Sub-regional workshop (Barbados, Grenada and Saint Lucia)


The participants representing various stakeholders from the countries attending the ratification meeting: Barbados, Saint Lucia and Grenada, expressed strong will and commitment to ratify and implement the Convention at national level. They were acquainted and understood all the obligations and provisions under the Convention. Through a brainstorming exercise they identified all the benefits from the potential ratification and implementation of the Convention. In addition the participating countries provided an indicative elements for national action plan and steps to be undertaken for becoming Parties to the Conventions, with timeline for their fulfilment.


Contact Information

Aleksandar Mihajlovski (Agricultural Officer)
Email: Aleksandar.Mihajlovski@fao.org

Yvonne Ewang-Sanvincenti (Legal Officer)
Email: yvonne.ewang@brsmeas.org